Composition of the M.A.-Programs

The Master's degree programme in History is a research-oriented degree programme designed to enable graduates to carry out academic work and use it in their professional and social lives.On the basis of these analytical and methodological competences, which are oriented towards current research, independent academic work is also possible in previously unexplored fields of research. The knowledge and skills of scientific research, preparation and presentation acquired in the Master's phase and the acquisition of further competences open up a wide range of possible professions for graduates. The interdisciplinary and international focus of the Master's degree programme in History and the opportunity to acquire targeted and in-depth knowledge for a specific subject area meet the high demands of specialist professions or further education institutions (e.g. museums, archives, memorial sites). Historians with these skills are also employed in academia and in the media (print, television, radio, online) or public relations.

After successfully completing the Master's degree programme in History, students can also pursue further academic qualifications in the field of history by studying for a doctorate or working on research projects at RUB and other universities.

Master Phase
Master Phase
1-Subject Model

In the 1-subject model of the Master's phase, a total of 5 modules must be studied and three different specialisations must be chosen. The chosen specialisations must be supplemented in the supplementary area by content-related or methodological aspects from study areas in other, related subjects. Modules totalling at least 29 credit points must be studied in the supplementary area. The final oral module examinations (30 minutes) must be taken in specialisation areas A and B (modules III and IV). The subject area for the Master's thesis must be chosen from specialisation A.

Modules I-V are relevant to the subject grade (20% each).

Examination Office
2-Subject Model

In the 2-subject model of the Master's phase, a total of 4 modules must be studied and two different study specialisations must be set: Specialisation A and B. An oral final module examination (30 minutes) must be taken in specialisation A. If the Master's thesis is written in History, the subject area for the Master's thesis must also be chosen from this specialisation.

Modules I-IV (25% each) are relevant to the final grade.

Master of Education

The Master's degree programme in History as a teaching subject is combined with a corresponding degree programme in another teaching subject for grammar schools and comprehensive schools as well as with the compulsory degree programme in Educational Science for all students. The two teaching subjects and the Educational Science programme each account for approximately one third of the study and examination components. One of the prerequisites for registering for the M.Ed. thesis is knowledge of Latin at the level of the Kleines Latinum (according to LZV, §11, 25.04.2016) Knowledge of a total of three foreign languages is required for the Master's degree programme. Two of the three foreign languages (English and one other foreign language) must already be demonstrated in the Bachelor's degree programme.

The Master's degree programme lasts a total of 4 semesters. The Master's thesis in one of the two teaching subjects or in educational science is completed at the end of the programme. The Master's thesis in History can be written in one of the two subject specialisations or in the area of subject didactics.

Master of Education
Master Programm Public History

Over the last two decades, public debate and a growing interest in history have been observed among the general public.This has resulted in social demands as well as new research and professional fields for the discipline of history, which the Master's degree programme in Public History takes into account.

Public History

International and interdisciplinary Master's degree programmes

The Department of History is involved in several international and interdisciplinary Master's degree programmes. In addition to the Bochum-Tours programme, these include: Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MaRS); Master's programme in European Culture and Economy (ECUE); Gender Studies; Eastern European Studies with a practical focus; History, Philosophy and Culture of Science (HPS+). The Department of History also participates in the European Master in Women's and Gender History (Matilda).

All these study programmes can be accessed via the menu on the left.